A downloadable environment

Scylla labs is an environment created by a team of artists with all of them taking part in all stages of the modeling, texturing, and lighting. It is not really a game but akin to one. Scylla is a creature from Greek mythology and a starting point for the inspiration that was the creature we made, at least the lower half. the Lab itself is a science fiction laboratory from the 1960's just after the moment where everything goes wrong and the monster that had been the subject of experimentation escaped.



W- forward

A- left

S- back

D- right

Look around- mouse

Space- jump




Aiden Kemp

  • Modeling and texturing: Level, Server computer, lights, wires. 
  • Lighting: Lab door, cold storage, post processing
  • Technical support and amalgamation

Andrei Hadley

  • Modeling and texturing: operating table, tools, lab desk
  • Lighting: big tube, hallway, trail of blood, control panel, red light animation

Max Birkland

  • Modeling and texturing: Microscope, chem tools, glassware, stool, monster stages
  • Lighting:  Monster containment units and corresponding special effects

Jake Unabia

  • Modeling and texturing: pipes, tanks for monster, vault door
  • Lighting: overhead lighting, special effects for lights and wires, Ambiant light
  • Sound design

Justin Ward-Kizanis

  • Modeling and texturing: Cold storage, centrifuge, Terminal, stage 1 of monster, Poster
  • Lighting: Computers, screens, overhead lighting on upper area
  • Technical support and amalgamation


ScyllaLabsWSound.7z 247 MB

Install instructions

    1. Download in entirety
    2. Unzip 7z with all folders intact, (you may need to download 7z its free)
    3. Play the .exe file by double clicking it (you must have the other files for it to work)

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